Wally Tractor
Application of WallyTractor for perfect alignment of phono cartridge
The WallyTractor is the best available protractor for phono pickup cartridge alignment. It is designed and manufactured for each model of any available tonearm. The geometry is calculated to individual effective length of particular tonearm. For example: Linn T-arms have Leff.= 229mm;
SME Leff = 233mm; Rega Leff = 239mm. The WallyTractor allows:
- optimum location of stylus for optimum overhang (for Baerwald or Loefgren alignment)
- optimum alignment of cantilever/stylus at null points (66mm and 121 mm)
- visual confirmation of final perfect geometry of your stylus, cantilever, cartridge, tonearm assembly.
- The Loefgren alignment is suggested for modern records, which do not have recorded grooves below about 67 mm from platter spindle. Each Wallytractor comes with special selected magnifying glass and detailed instructions, which will be available to view soon.
Enjoy music from Analog Records forever.
Instruction information is avaible in PDF-form. Click on the icon below.